Will Power: Set a course by YOUR North Star

One of the greatest diservices I have seen from modern society, is the notion that one must be ‘accepting’ and ‘malleable’ in their beliefs.

Inferring that in order to be of good moral standing our beliefs must be forfeit.

This plays havoc on Men most of all, as it is their duty to the tribe to discern danger in his effort of insuring order within the Kingdom.

With society telling him that his beliefs hold no value, he becomes unconsciously doubtful of his own capacity to make judgement calls for the betterment of him and his people.

Sea faring people used to navigate by the stars. Using the North Star, it allowed fixed points to discern direction and distance when in the blackness of the nighttime sea. Effectively, the mallaebility of a moral baseline has robbed men of the ability to navigate the darkness of society.

This tends to present itself symptomatically as anxiety, self-doubt, and low self-respect where the man allows anyone and everyone to move his moral compass upon the mere whisper of challenge.

In order to be effective, one must cultivate a baseline for their existence that is stalwart and immovable until THEY deem it so.

There needs to be lines and boundaries drawn that we do not move no matter what anyone says.

By doing so we empower ourselves and our capacity to make proper decisions, thus allowing us to properly find our tribes and building together.

Walk your path, orient yourself to your intuition and those that came before you.

Be swayed upon your will alone. 

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