Warrior in Life, Life Worth Living…

As Heroes’ Veritas grows and its message reaches the eyes and ears of the masses, I have come across an interesting revelation that has surprised me. Honestly, it makes sense, but surprising nonetheless. The understanding of the ‘Warrior’ mindset has somehow been lost, or misinterpreted. What it is, why it is necessary, and how it is cultivated seems to be looked upon as an arbitrary and archaic concept. In reality, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Ironically, the people that actually resonate and adopt the warrior mindset the most, is primarily women. Women historically fill the needs as ‘homemakers’. This has become a word carrying a negative connotation; however ‘homemaker’ should be held with pride, as it is means one who creates homes, families and tribes. They have the unique capacity of being the glue that maintains the order within the chaos.  Men historically create the order, set the perimeter, protect the tribe, and provide the physical resources to grow and thrive. In the absence of men’s adoption of the warrior mindset, women have done what they do best, adapt. The growing need for women to protect themselves and their children, while men shirk this responsibility, drives the necessity of the warrior. Whether it is consciously or subconsciously, women see the need and begin to cultivate their own version of the warrior mindset.

Men no longer connect themselves with warriors. They see their only value as income generating puppets, obedient ‘nice guys’, and passive friends. They look on, frozen in apathy or fear, as the world falls into chaos and evil reigns. They are no longer guided by Honor or Principles, and, more often than not, relinquish their duty of protecting and providing to other men or government entities. This has to stop! We must teach our men what they are capable of and why.

The Warrior is not some historical hyperbole lost to the annals of a time long since past. It is a living and breathing evolution of man’s utility within a world where evil is a dark reality. Most see the word warrior and immediately look to violence, blood lust, and hate. The warrior is a protector, fighting for love not hate. The violence associated with the warrior is such a small detail in the greater scope of his purpose. Being capable of violence is the bedrock of being a protector, but beyond that the warrior is a mindset. One of grit, perseverance, resourcefulness, courage, honor, and strength.

A man that lives as a warrior in life, will have a life worth living. The warrior does not shy from adversity, he stands tall to face it. The warrior does not leave the protection of his tribe to another, he cultivates the strength and skills to protect them himself. The warrior lives with honor on a set of principles that he determines, giving him peace of mind. The warrior understands his role, he cultivates his destiny and lives according to his heart. When he does so, his tribe cannot help, but respect and follow.

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