Total Ownership

“Don’t ask yourself ‘Why Me’? Instead, ask yourself ‘What am I going to do about it?’” – Jocko Willink

Some people will constantly dwell in the negativity of playing the victim, while others choose to view misfortune as a learning experience, or a challenge to over come.

When things do go wrong it’s those who choose to live in control of their own lives that take complete ownership of the situation.

What do I mean by complete ownership?

Take a moment to think about something that has went wrong in your life. Now think about how it is that the problem came to be.

Did you blame someone else or some other issue with the cause of the problem?

Or are you the take charge, and be a leader type of person? The one who sees the problem, understands the cause and effect, and simply because you are there, decide to get involved taking complete ownership of the problem?

This is what leaders do!

They will not lay blame on someone else regardless of the circumstances. They take complete ownership and resolve the situation.

People who excel in life and goals never turn the blame or issue onto someone else. They never make frivolous excuses.

Ask yourself this: was there some task at work or at home that needed to get done, but you didn’t do it because you played the,“it isn’t my job” card?

I’ll bet you know what type of person would have just done the job or task and didn’t look for recognition or glory for doing it.

Which type of person are you?


Stay Dangerous

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