Think quickly, but never not at all…


“For every action, there is a consequence”

The consequences of our actions will be used to define us by those we respect and those in our charge. One should always think through an issue or event before taking action. The possibilities of a negative outcome due to poor planning, and or execution, costs a heavy burden on those that rely on our judgement, and will sully our reputation.

How we handle ourselves in all aspects of our lives will result in either positive or negative outcomes. This could be the difference in how our lives unfold.

Poor logic and planning could lead down a path of not becoming the leader that we are capable of being.

No one will put faith or trust in a person who continuously shows patterns of irrational thinking or actions, especially if they result in negative consequences, time and time again.

A sovereign leader weighs all possibilities and outcomes of their actions or words before decreeing their position.




Stay Dangerous

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