The ‘Manifesto’ has got a bad rap.

Recently, it was brought to my attention that, as they put it, ‘You seem like the type to write a manifesto.’

I took this as a positive, but their position was this was a negative. 

‘What makes this a bad thing?’, I inquired in response. 

The slightly embarrassed rebuttal, ‘oh, I don’t know’.

Truth is that by definition, a manifesto is just a publicly declared set of values or priorities, most generally used in a political or social space.

Its moral use and implication is left up to the evoking individual; however, the current media have associated the construct and practice of the Manifesto with serial killers and extremists – singularly robbing anyone of good moral standing the capacity to announce their virtue and position.

While they tend to be attached to the negative types, it is not exclusive to the evil and socially ostracized.

The world would be a much more forthright and complete place if more people were comfortable uttering their values publicly.

Maintaining a manifesto does a few things: 

1. Creates intentionality around who we align ourselves with and the baseline to hold ourselves accountable. When organically developed, this can also lead to building alignment with a tribe of people holding congruent viewpoints.

2. When made public, the manifesto can be audited and criticized, which in turn allows for better development of our own personal journey and ethos.

3.  The manifesto is a tool of thought and conviction, used properly it can determine our ability to hold to our lines, plant our flags, and create courage in the face of overwhelming criticisms.

Most people, unknowingly hold some form of manifesto. Some as simple as the golden rule, “do unto others…”. Others as complex and timeless as Biblical 10 commandments.

Either way – I challenge everyone to determine their own manifestos and leverage the opportunity to truly know themselves on a deep and wholesome level.

Stay Dangerous

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