The Boat on the Water


In this analogy the water represents the feminine and the boat represents the masculine. By nature of the boat there is no balance without the water. The water lifts the boat, supports the boat and gives the boat purpose. Without water what is a boat, but mere potential. When a boat is on dry land the only thing the boat will do is lay on its side. With the power of the water the boat achieves its full purpose and potential for which it was created to do. With the water the boat has the ability to protect, carry your goods, and navigate powerfully from one place to another.

Water moves the earth in all its forms. Water does not have to be deep or flow strong to be powerful in supporting the boat. Whether it is a droplet forming a crystal in a cave, flowing like the Rio Grande cutting out the Grand Canyon or an iceberg shifting continents. Water in all its forms is powerful and graceful.

The boat and the water have a symbiotic relationship. When both the water and the boat are accomplishing their purpose and both understand this relationship that is where the magnetism of that relationship takes place.

Originally written by Heroes’ Veritas Community Director, Deborah Counsell

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