Strength is never a weakness

When I was in my twenties, I was cocksure and foolhardy. I thought I was King of my realm, but the reality was I was 300 pounds, wildly sedentary and lacked the integrity to be king of anything. I have helped many in this same space. We surround ourselves with people that make us feel good, not push us to be good, let alone great.

I had a moment that forced me to fix it, as almost everyone inevitably does when running an unhealthy lifestyle. One of the biggest things that I found after I got physically fit was that developing strength has zero drawback. You feel better, your confidence increases, your immune system is strengthened, you find a community focused on bettering themselves, and it costs absolutely nothing to get started, just start.

“I will never be the strongest/fittest/biggest/healthiest, why even try?”

Enter any disqualifying term that makes sense to you, but these are bullshit statements born of fear. We use statements like this to make sure we never fail, because we aren’t failing we are actively choosing not to start, which is somehow in our minds, better. We lie to ourselves and say things like,”I could get fit if I wanted to.”

No, you couldn’t. If you could you would.

That’s a harsh reality for some to accept; however it isn’t meant to feel good. It is meant to get you to understand you are lying to yourself and to make a move. Everything in your life starts with health. If we feel better, stronger and healthier, by default, we have more energy, and more confidence. It is the foundation of everything we do.

If you are sad, tired, or just want more then I encourage you to stop lying to yourself and start building your body so that your mind and dreams can have a good foundation to build off of. It is all on you.

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