Slavery through financial despotism…


Have you ever watched “The Dark Knight Rises”?

If you have, do you recall the mock court and trials that were being held, where some of the worst criminals were handing out judgement of the elite of Gotham City? Whose side would you have been on?

Would you have found yourself in support of the criminals who were convicting the wealthy and powerful citizens of Gotham of gaining all that wealth at the expense of the working class? Maybe you were angered by the fact that total chaos was being handed out and no true court was being held to determine whether the rich and powerful were really guilty of anything?

Let’s think for a moment.

Did anyone who had earned their fortune through hard work and dedication, only achieve such wealth by taking from the poor and downtrodden?

I often hear the argument that there are those of considerable wealth, whom had the luxury of obtaining their fortune from family, that had been handed down over generations. It is also asserted that they had ancestors who obtained their fortune and power by some ill-gotten means, but in researching further those that inherited wealth only account for 21% of millionaires, and only 3% inherited over a million dollars. This type of wealth, that of inheritance, does still exist, but not in the ways it did historically. The elite have all but made slavery legal, by giving it a new identity.

You see the governing powers are now the ones who are taking from those they consider beneath them. They do it in ways that most don’t even realize. They will leak to media outlets of possible laws or plans that they may, or may not, enact to sway the stock market. While they do this, they will encourage family and friends to make large stock purchases. This is to benefit from the stock sway that they caused just by inciting doubts via the press. This is defined as insider trading, and is illegal for the common wealth, but for the governing elite – it is perfectly fine.

“We the People” need to get involved and vote out the elite at every level of government, meaning local, state, and federal, whom no longer uphold the oaths they swore to protect, if the middle class has any hope of surviving their unscrupulous ventures. Many of those currently in power are only in government to continue to empower themselves at the expense of “We the People”.

Every day they commit a crime, breaking the very oath they took to uphold the constitution of the United States of America. If we don’t put aside our differences and realize that it is us against them, we will continue to forfeit our very freedom.

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves with our willingness to entertain these slights, with little more than a strongly worded letter.

Take your head out of the sand and look around. Is this how you want to leave things for future generations? Making them slaves for our ignorance and lack of duty as free men and women?

Stand Fast and Fight the good Fight


Stay Dangerous

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