Recalibrate Failure

Recalibrate Fear

“I have not failed. I’ve just found ten thousand ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison


No one who has ever succeeded at everything they ever tried.

While some may tout that they are without fault on social media, we need to realize that everyone has had to fail at something at some point or another.

One cannot learn and grow as an individual without failing.

Some may fail at driving, while others fail at love.

Some fail at math, while there are those that fail at skiing.

The possibilities are endless. The one constant is growth and learning from failing.

If you had been around when Edison invented the light bulb, you would have seen him fail thousands of times. Now, Edison famous for his claims that he didn’t fail, but rather discovered thousands of ways not to make a working light bulb.

Failure is a critical path to success and without failure one will never know if they really succeeded.

Failure is part of the plan, quitting is not. 


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