Never forget, earn your sunrise


September 11th, 2001

Four coordinated suicide terrorists highjacked airplanes and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Targeting the height of civilian presence, as they started their work day, this attack killed nearly 3,000 civilians and injured over 6,000.

The scar left by this tragedy is one that is felt in more ways than we can count. Let alone the loss of American military personnel in the ensuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the lofty burden it has placed on our Veterans that have cycled back home.

Still, where there is darkness there is also light. 

I would ask that you remember the moment on September 12th. That feeling of unity. There was no black, white, brown or red. There was no political affiliation, no left or right. There was only ONE AMERICA.

One unified country, collectively hurting and grieving. One sovereign nation, whose people sought solace in the arms of strangers, pride in their flag waving on high, and commitment to bringing justice to the perpetrators.

This is the true soul of America. One of freedom, justice, and unity. One of compassion and love, but of righteous fury and vengeance against those that would do her and her people harm.

As we remember this tragedy, please spend the effort to honor those that lost their lives that day, and every day since, by earning your sunrise. Take pride in your country, for she has yet to truly let you down. Times may feel dark, but together we can rise to greatness.

Work as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Stay Dangerous

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