Life is a Team Effort

I have come across a lot of ego in my coaching and day to day life.

I myself, have had to check my ego from time to time. I have talked on ego before. It is a fine line to balance, as too much and you lose utility, too little and you fail to make hard decisions, or even act.

One of the biggest misconceptions of moving through the world is that results are accomplished wholly on our own.

This couldn’t be further from the truth, humans are communal creatures that are made and broken on the backs of their proverbial tribes.

The pervasive concept of ‘Lone Wolf’ is a farce built completely in a world that doesn’t exist. Alphas are only capable of performing as ‘alphas’ when measured against the collective.

We are not only compelled and shaped by the positive people in our lives, but the negative as well.

As babies, we needed a parental support structure to make it to 18 years old, breathing and healthy.

As teenagers, we needed friends and mentors in order to discern our place in the world and how to make sense of it all.

As adults, we look to our close tribes, mentors, coaches, and co-workers for our ongoing development.

Conversely – our rivals and malcontents that have crossed our paths teach how NOT to be. Give us prime example of the opposing virtue to what we wish our lives to become.

NEVER FORGET – without connection and community humans literally unravel mentally. Studies have shown that long term deprivation of contact literally alters our brain chemistry.

None of us have come to be who we are without all of the people in our lives, good, bad or neutral.

Stay Dangerous

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