Lies and Deceit Fracture Our Identities

No so much the outward lies to others, though these also create fractures, the multifurcation truly comes from the moments we choose to lie to ourselves.

“I could do it if I wanted to…”, when we really can’t.

“That isn’t really THAT important…”, when it really is.

“I don’t mind…” when we very much do.

Moments when we elect the role of keeping the peace, fitting in, or ‘going with the flow’ at the expense of our true selves and/or our needs.

The more often we do this, the harder it becomes to choose ourselves.

In time, we may even lose sight of who we are and what we believe in.

This can become very dangerous, as this tends to be where most find cause for depression and suicidal thoughts.

Stop lying to yourself. Speak the truth.

Once you can tell yourself the truth, start living that truth.

Speak only the truth, at least to the best of your knowledge, with everyone that crosses your path.

The beauty of truth is peace.

The burden of a lie, is you now have to carry the weight of maintaining that lie with everyone. With each new person you meet, the burden grows.

Every lie is a new mask we have to pretend to be. Our priorities have to change. Our speech and our baseline alters.

Once you set yourself free from lies, truth is a much lighter burden to carry.

Efforts moving from one activity to the next become exponentially easier.

Truth isn’t without its hurdles, especially in the beginning as you break existing social contracts, but in the long run it is always worth it.

When engaging with others openly and honestly, they can intuitively sense your lightness. They too will wish to tell you everything.

Living in truth carries more return than I could ever write in a single article.


Do it now. You dont have to wait for tomorrow, a Monday, or a New Year.

The beauty is that it can start with a single breath.

Stay Dangerous.

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