Kingdom Building: Dream Life Battle Plan

I have helped many Men find their way in this world. 

The number one issue I find isn’t a lack of will.

It isn’t a lack of drive or skill either. 

No, it is simply a lack of honesty and understanding to know exactly what they want and how to get it. 

So below is the BluePrint to your Dream Life:

Step 1: Figure out what you want

  • Write down all the items you need (e.g. Food, Gas, Bills, etc) required for the dream life
  • Write down all tangible items you want (e.g. Cars, Houses, Luxuries, etc.) – DON’T LIE OR HOLD BACK

​Step 2: Give it a monetary figure

  • Generally speaking your bills should be about 20-30% of the cost of the house give or take.
  • Mortgage will be 25% of cost of house
  • Leasing a vehicle will be about 15-20% of cost

​Step 3: Determine the cost of living for your dream house


Monthly Mortgage + Monthly Car Lease + Monthly Living Expenses + Monthly Burn (Fun Money you want) x 12 = Cost of the Dream Life

Example: 20k$+10k$+10k$+60k$ = 1.2$/year

Step 4: Reverse engineer yearly number:

  • Divide Total by 12 for the Month to Month income required
  • Divide Total by 52 for the Week to Week income required

Step 5: Determine what skills and assets you already have.

For Example: If you already make 100,000$/year and need 1 million you need to 9x your current income by getting a net gain of 900,000$

Once it is all broken down, plan it out and start taking actionable steps to building the Kingdom!

Build EPIC!

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