Ditch the bucket list, start living now

“We all have two lives, the second begins when we realize we only have one.”

I continue to hear people talk about things they plan on doing before they meet their end, a.k.a. the “Bucket List”.

Why exactly do people think this is a necessity to have?

I believe that most have forgotten that from the moment you come into this world, you are moving towards your end.

Terms like “bucket list” weren’t even a thought when we were children. If we wanted to do something, we just set our sights on it and moved forward with our plans. As an example, when I was 12, I wanted to jump off the roof of my dad’s garage into our swimming pool. The pool was only 5’ deep and the garage was around 10′ to 12’ away from the pool. So one day when Mom and Dad were away at work, I decided to take the leap of faith just because I wanted to. I made the jump, but looking back it wasn’t the brightest idea I ever had, nor was it the dumbest decision of my life.

When we become young adults, around our early 20’s, a lot of young men, and a few women, quickly move towards the belief that we will never live to be 30.

So when 30 creeps up on them, we are shocked to still be alive.

It is in our mid to late 30’s, in my experience, that we begin to realize that we may live to become a senior citizen one day, and actually start planning for it in, monetarily.

When our 40’s come around, we start hoping to live a long and healthy life with our loved ones, but still taking for granted every day we are on this planet.

It is somewhere in this time frame that we begin to plan out our “bucket list”, carefully taking note of all the things we plan on doing before we pass away.

Some of our plans are very adventurous. This require us to be in the same physical condition we were in a couple of decades earlier in life. We don’t consider that part, we just consider the money it will cost to take our adventure.

And even though we are making plans such as children, work, home repair, or other costs seem to take priority in our lives. We quickly forget about our “bucket list” for some time and continue to deal with life’s daily requirements.

Out of the blue, just one day something terrible grasps at your heart. Someone close to you is diagnosed with a terrible disease, or someone you know has had their life cut short because of some uncontrollable reason.

When things begin to somewhat settle back into the norm for you, you start to realize that time is fleeting and there are no guarantees of tomorrow. Now the “bucket list” comes back into play, but is it the right time? When should we do the things that we desire to do before we get our ticket punched and move on from this life?

Here is your answer. DO IT NOW!

No one, and I mean no one is guaranteed to be here tomorrow! Live life today! Live it by your terms and don’t change it for the social mob that tries to designate how you should live your life. Live by your rules, morals, and values. Don’t wait until it’s too late to start living your dream.

Go bungee jumping! Go climb that mountain! Go race the car! Take that vacation!

Live damn it!

Why put off today, when there is a chance you won’t be here tomorrow.


Stay Dangerous

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