Category Archives: Newsletters

You just don’t understand…

We have all said it.

“you just don’t understand.”

When we just want to vent but don’t want solutions.

When we ask for help but don’t like the answer.

When we are making excuses that our friends no longer have the patience for.

Reality is – This is a cop out.


Everyone understands.

Your problems aren’t special.

Everyone has problems.

And in general, they are all pretty similar.

Barring some pretty special cases, and sociopaths, everyone understands exactly what it feels like.

To have excuses.



Feel lost.

Stop alienating those that care enough about you to let you decompress, by degrading them with such a tripe and selfish response.

If they don’t understand as we may feel, then we shouldn’t seek their ear.

If they do understand, then we should listen up and make adjustments accordingly.

Either way – this phrase, “You just don’t understand”…

Has no purpose what so ever.

Will Power: Set a course by YOUR North Star

One of the greatest diservices I have seen from modern society, is the notion that one must be ‘accepting’ and ‘malleable’ in their beliefs.

Inferring that in order to be of good moral standing our beliefs must be forfeit.

This plays havoc on Men most of all, as it is their duty to the tribe to discern danger in his effort of insuring order within the Kingdom.

With society telling him that his beliefs hold no value, he becomes unconsciously doubtful of his own capacity to make judgement calls for the betterment of him and his people.

Sea faring people used to navigate by the stars. Using the North Star, it allowed fixed points to discern direction and distance when in the blackness of the nighttime sea. Effectively, the mallaebility of a moral baseline has robbed men of the ability to navigate the darkness of society.

This tends to present itself symptomatically as anxiety, self-doubt, and low self-respect where the man allows anyone and everyone to move his moral compass upon the mere whisper of challenge.

In order to be effective, one must cultivate a baseline for their existence that is stalwart and immovable until THEY deem it so.

There needs to be lines and boundaries drawn that we do not move no matter what anyone says.

By doing so we empower ourselves and our capacity to make proper decisions, thus allowing us to properly find our tribes and building together.

Walk your path, orient yourself to your intuition and those that came before you.

Be swayed upon your will alone. 

Adventure Time: Be present in this time…


You won the cosmic lottery!

You woke up today.

Not everyone was so lucky. 

Whatever you do from this moment forward, root yourself in the grace and gratitude of that fact.

Do something that sets your soul ablaze today.

Do something that makes you laugh uncontrollably.

Do something that makes you blush.

Gives you butterflies. 

Enjoy this moment. 

Kingdom Building: Dream Life Battle Plan

I have helped many Men find their way in this world. 

The number one issue I find isn’t a lack of will.

It isn’t a lack of drive or skill either. 

No, it is simply a lack of honesty and understanding to know exactly what they want and how to get it. 

So below is the BluePrint to your Dream Life:

Step 1: Figure out what you want

  • Write down all the items you need (e.g. Food, Gas, Bills, etc) required for the dream life
  • Write down all tangible items you want (e.g. Cars, Houses, Luxuries, etc.) – DON’T LIE OR HOLD BACK

​Step 2: Give it a monetary figure

  • Generally speaking your bills should be about 20-30% of the cost of the house give or take.
  • Mortgage will be 25% of cost of house
  • Leasing a vehicle will be about 15-20% of cost

​Step 3: Determine the cost of living for your dream house


Monthly Mortgage + Monthly Car Lease + Monthly Living Expenses + Monthly Burn (Fun Money you want) x 12 = Cost of the Dream Life

Example: 20k$+10k$+10k$+60k$ = 1.2$/year

Step 4: Reverse engineer yearly number:

  • Divide Total by 12 for the Month to Month income required
  • Divide Total by 52 for the Week to Week income required

Step 5: Determine what skills and assets you already have.

For Example: If you already make 100,000$/year and need 1 million you need to 9x your current income by getting a net gain of 900,000$

Once it is all broken down, plan it out and start taking actionable steps to building the Kingdom!

Build EPIC!

Will Power: Understanding is overrated…

Our egos trick us into believing that we must be understood to succeed.

We seek and crave validation for a path that is wholly our own.

Those closest to us may try to support us, but the harsh reality is that no one will feel as strongly about our paths as ourselves.


Stop seeking to be understood.

Instead focus on laying the foundations and roots so deep that no matter the storm you will weather it.

You don’t need to be rude, but there is no need to waste your energy explaining a big vision to those too stuck in a small minded world to fathom your resolve.

You get to write what is possible, do not outsource this to anyone.

Battle Ready: 5 Day Training Plan

Being physically and mental equipped to manage the kingdom is paramount.

“The Kingdom dies, if the King doesn’t rise.”

One of the best tools to build the body, is lifting weights at the gym.

Sometimes this can be overwhelming with so much conflicting information in the world.

But in reality, it is as simple as showing up.

To take some of the guesswork out of the equation, I have provided you with a 5 day workout split to get you started!


Adventure Time: Fun is a core tenet of the Kingdom Builder.

One of the most overlooked responsibilities of a kingdom builder is ‘Fun’.

This isn’t to say, ‘dodge all responsibility in exchange for flippant and moral debasement.’

But if you are always putting out fires and hacking at weeds, then you are never looking to expand the perimeter.

‘There is no creation, without recreation.’ – Sam Bakhtiar

Taking time to figuratively smell the roses and detach your focus to see the forest from the trees will always have a positive ROI.

In order to cast your vision to realms of the Gods, you must find a muse that dances between the realms.

Make time to disconnect.

Then return to the Kingdom with a renewed vigor!

Kingdom Building: Filling the coffers is a sovereign duty.

Many of us have been told ‘Money is the root of all evil’.

The reality is that money is a necessity.

In order for your kingdom to thrive, you must have the resources available to support your people. 

Winning big is required for a person to be sovereign.

Without it, you will always be at the will of someone else.

Fix your relationship with the almighty dollar.


Then teach your tribe how to do the same.

This is how you maintain your sovereignty.

Will Power: Confidence is a verb, act.

In order to win, and win big, you have to first have faith that you will.

Fear can leave us all paralyzed, but your vision requires courage.

In order to have confidence, you must be willing to act before you are ready.

You already know where not acting gets you.

Why not try something new?

Be Bold.

Set a goal and become relentless in its pursuit.

Do not make Perfect the enemy of good.

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