Author Archives: heroesveritas

Battle Ready: Keep It Simple

Squat Rack

More often than not, the reason we fail to hit our fitness goals isn’t a bad or flawed plan.

It is a lack of consistency.

If you want to get into the best shape of your life:

1. Make a plan: Failing to plan is planning to fail.

2. Start slow and ramp up: Going hard in paint leaves you defeated when you can’t maintain the pace.

3. Keep it simple: More complex = less likely to stick to it.

4. Be patient: It will not happen overnight, nor all at once.

4. Stay Consistent: 10 minutes a day for 30 days is better than, 60 minutes once a week for 2 weeks.

It takes 4 weeks for your body to acclimate, 8 weeks for you to build a habit, 12 weeks for others to see your progress and 16 weeks for you to see the progress.

Stay the course.

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