Author Archives: heroesveritas

The Boat on the Water


In this analogy the water represents the feminine and the boat represents the masculine. By nature of the boat there is no balance without the water. The water lifts the boat, supports the boat and gives the boat purpose. Without water what is a boat, but mere potential. When a boat is on dry land the only thing the boat will do is lay on its side. With the power of the water the boat achieves its full purpose and potential for which it was created to do. With the water the boat has the ability to protect, carry your goods, and navigate powerfully from one place to another.

Water moves the earth in all its forms. Water does not have to be deep or flow strong to be powerful in supporting the boat. Whether it is a droplet forming a crystal in a cave, flowing like the Rio Grande cutting out the Grand Canyon or an iceberg shifting continents. Water in all its forms is powerful and graceful.

The boat and the water have a symbiotic relationship. When both the water and the boat are accomplishing their purpose and both understand this relationship that is where the magnetism of that relationship takes place.

Originally written by Heroes’ Veritas Community Director, Deborah Counsell

Do not do, Just Be


I heard in a yoga class the instructor say, “don’t do, just be” and thought it was such a simple yet powerful statement.

How often through life are we focused on all we are doing–at home, work, with friends, family. In our marriages and with our children. Constantly listing out all we need to get done. All we need to work on, complete or even begin. But when do we make time to just be? When was the last time you sat in quiet? Because you could?

Are you capable of sitting still? In silence? For many, it is uncomfortable and almost foreign.  To sit in one’s body. Hear your breath. Feel your heart beat. Allow your mind to slow, maybe even stop. We as a society tend to be so “goal oriented” and result driven, we forget the power of rest. Of the ability to slow in the midst of a marathon.

Some will ask, “why does this matter?”. Others roll their eyes and state it is unnecessary. Life is short. I don’t have time to slow down. But that’s just it. Life is short. We get one. There will always be another challenge, heartache and suffering. It will never always be easy. Life is constantly moving. Trying to keep up will exhaust you. And then where will you be? How productive can one be when empty?

If you can learn to rest. Sit comfortably with yourself in the quiet. Create space to breathe deep, and pause in the midst of chaos. Each storm that hits, will just be another storm.

Originally written by Heroes’ Veritas Operations Director, Erika Okleshen

Slavery through financial despotism…


Have you ever watched “The Dark Knight Rises”?

If you have, do you recall the mock court and trials that were being held, where some of the worst criminals were handing out judgement of the elite of Gotham City? Whose side would you have been on?

Would you have found yourself in support of the criminals who were convicting the wealthy and powerful citizens of Gotham of gaining all that wealth at the expense of the working class? Maybe you were angered by the fact that total chaos was being handed out and no true court was being held to determine whether the rich and powerful were really guilty of anything?

Let’s think for a moment.

Did anyone who had earned their fortune through hard work and dedication, only achieve such wealth by taking from the poor and downtrodden?

I often hear the argument that there are those of considerable wealth, whom had the luxury of obtaining their fortune from family, that had been handed down over generations. It is also asserted that they had ancestors who obtained their fortune and power by some ill-gotten means, but in researching further those that inherited wealth only account for 21% of millionaires, and only 3% inherited over a million dollars. This type of wealth, that of inheritance, does still exist, but not in the ways it did historically. The elite have all but made slavery legal, by giving it a new identity.

You see the governing powers are now the ones who are taking from those they consider beneath them. They do it in ways that most don’t even realize. They will leak to media outlets of possible laws or plans that they may, or may not, enact to sway the stock market. While they do this, they will encourage family and friends to make large stock purchases. This is to benefit from the stock sway that they caused just by inciting doubts via the press. This is defined as insider trading, and is illegal for the common wealth, but for the governing elite – it is perfectly fine.

“We the People” need to get involved and vote out the elite at every level of government, meaning local, state, and federal, whom no longer uphold the oaths they swore to protect, if the middle class has any hope of surviving their unscrupulous ventures. Many of those currently in power are only in government to continue to empower themselves at the expense of “We the People”.

Every day they commit a crime, breaking the very oath they took to uphold the constitution of the United States of America. If we don’t put aside our differences and realize that it is us against them, we will continue to forfeit our very freedom.

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves with our willingness to entertain these slights, with little more than a strongly worded letter.

Take your head out of the sand and look around. Is this how you want to leave things for future generations? Making them slaves for our ignorance and lack of duty as free men and women?

Stand Fast and Fight the good Fight


Stay Dangerous

Never forget, earn your sunrise


September 11th, 2001

Four coordinated suicide terrorists highjacked airplanes and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Targeting the height of civilian presence, as they started their work day, this attack killed nearly 3,000 civilians and injured over 6,000.

The scar left by this tragedy is one that is felt in more ways than we can count. Let alone the loss of American military personnel in the ensuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the lofty burden it has placed on our Veterans that have cycled back home.

Still, where there is darkness there is also light. 

I would ask that you remember the moment on September 12th. That feeling of unity. There was no black, white, brown or red. There was no political affiliation, no left or right. There was only ONE AMERICA.

One unified country, collectively hurting and grieving. One sovereign nation, whose people sought solace in the arms of strangers, pride in their flag waving on high, and commitment to bringing justice to the perpetrators.

This is the true soul of America. One of freedom, justice, and unity. One of compassion and love, but of righteous fury and vengeance against those that would do her and her people harm.

As we remember this tragedy, please spend the effort to honor those that lost their lives that day, and every day since, by earning your sunrise. Take pride in your country, for she has yet to truly let you down. Times may feel dark, but together we can rise to greatness.

Work as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Stay Dangerous

Bow to none…


Elitist would have you believe that everything they are planning and doing is for the betterment of humanity. “The Great Reset” is what they refer to their plan as.

The weak and timid believe that world organizations such as the “World Economic Forum, the Center for Disease Control, or the World Health Organization,” is operating with everyone’s best interest at heart. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Any organization or corrupt wing of government, that has a 3-letter abbreviation, has never had the people’s best interest at the heart of their actions. These groups only have one objective, and that is total control over the masses. Which means freedom for themselves at our expense, or even our lives. Their motto: “All for me and non for thee.”

Now is the time to quickly reflect and decide where you want to be when they send their squadron of goons to take away your freedoms.

Do you want to be a slave to the elitist!? They will demand that you bow down before them, and kiss their shoes or rings in order to receive scraps of food to survive just enough to continue to serve them.

Do you have the courage to be a free man or woman? To never bow to any human walking the face of the earth, and to fight for freedom without the fear of paying the ultimate price?

The goon squad will come. They are being recruited as this letter is being sent out. The U.S. government is beginning its first wave of tyranny with the law they just put in place adding 87 thousand goons to their favorite oppressive group, the IRS. The government is asking for goons who will carry firearms and “be willing to use deadly force.”

This is just the beginning of the agenda elitist have in mind for the mass population of earth.

Ready yourself for the reset by resetting yourself to do whatever it takes to let these groups know that we will not comply with their agenda.



To drink from a King’s chalice…


In medieval times, the times of Kings, Queens, and a court, the King always sat at the head of the table.

It is said the he was always the first to be brought his food, and he always drank from the same chalice.

Why wouldn’t he? He is the ruler of the land. His court carries out his orders, and he always protects and defends his kingdom and his people.

Even in movies a chalice is a sacramental cup from which a king drinks. If you have ever seen “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”
Harrison Ford, a.k.a. Indian Jones, and his father played by Sir Sean Connery, are on a quest for the the Holy Grail which is the cup of Christ. It is the chalice from which Christ is supposed to have drank from at the last super.

So men I ask you this, do you have a chalice from which you drink?

Could your chalice be as simple as a coffee cup? The same cup from which you drink everyday?

Is this cup sacramental in your home? Think about it. Does anyone else drink from your cup?

Maybe you think, “my family won’t drink out of my cup because it says world’s greatest dad on it.

Or could it be that your spouse and children respect you so much that they refuse to use your cup?

Take note to watch and see if something as simple as your cup is left only to you.

Maybe your loved ones are showing you the same respect kings in medieval times received because they know that you are responsible for their safety and well being.

Perhaps you should make sure you are acting as a King and earn your chalice.


Stay Dangerous

Think quickly, but never not at all…


“For every action, there is a consequence”

The consequences of our actions will be used to define us by those we respect and those in our charge. One should always think through an issue or event before taking action. The possibilities of a negative outcome due to poor planning, and or execution, costs a heavy burden on those that rely on our judgement, and will sully our reputation.

How we handle ourselves in all aspects of our lives will result in either positive or negative outcomes. This could be the difference in how our lives unfold.

Poor logic and planning could lead down a path of not becoming the leader that we are capable of being.

No one will put faith or trust in a person who continuously shows patterns of irrational thinking or actions, especially if they result in negative consequences, time and time again.

A sovereign leader weighs all possibilities and outcomes of their actions or words before decreeing their position.




Stay Dangerous

Recalibrate Failure

Recalibrate Fear

“I have not failed. I’ve just found ten thousand ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison


No one who has ever succeeded at everything they ever tried.

While some may tout that they are without fault on social media, we need to realize that everyone has had to fail at something at some point or another.

One cannot learn and grow as an individual without failing.

Some may fail at driving, while others fail at love.

Some fail at math, while there are those that fail at skiing.

The possibilities are endless. The one constant is growth and learning from failing.

If you had been around when Edison invented the light bulb, you would have seen him fail thousands of times. Now, Edison famous for his claims that he didn’t fail, but rather discovered thousands of ways not to make a working light bulb.

Failure is a critical path to success and without failure one will never know if they really succeeded.

Failure is part of the plan, quitting is not. 


Stay Dangerous

Total Ownership

“Don’t ask yourself ‘Why Me’? Instead, ask yourself ‘What am I going to do about it?’” – Jocko Willink

Some people will constantly dwell in the negativity of playing the victim, while others choose to view misfortune as a learning experience, or a challenge to over come.

When things do go wrong it’s those who choose to live in control of their own lives that take complete ownership of the situation.

What do I mean by complete ownership?

Take a moment to think about something that has went wrong in your life. Now think about how it is that the problem came to be.

Did you blame someone else or some other issue with the cause of the problem?

Or are you the take charge, and be a leader type of person? The one who sees the problem, understands the cause and effect, and simply because you are there, decide to get involved taking complete ownership of the problem?

This is what leaders do!

They will not lay blame on someone else regardless of the circumstances. They take complete ownership and resolve the situation.

People who excel in life and goals never turn the blame or issue onto someone else. They never make frivolous excuses.

Ask yourself this: was there some task at work or at home that needed to get done, but you didn’t do it because you played the,“it isn’t my job” card?

I’ll bet you know what type of person would have just done the job or task and didn’t look for recognition or glory for doing it.

Which type of person are you?


Stay Dangerous

Ditch the bucket list, start living now

“We all have two lives, the second begins when we realize we only have one.”

I continue to hear people talk about things they plan on doing before they meet their end, a.k.a. the “Bucket List”.

Why exactly do people think this is a necessity to have?

I believe that most have forgotten that from the moment you come into this world, you are moving towards your end.

Terms like “bucket list” weren’t even a thought when we were children. If we wanted to do something, we just set our sights on it and moved forward with our plans. As an example, when I was 12, I wanted to jump off the roof of my dad’s garage into our swimming pool. The pool was only 5’ deep and the garage was around 10′ to 12’ away from the pool. So one day when Mom and Dad were away at work, I decided to take the leap of faith just because I wanted to. I made the jump, but looking back it wasn’t the brightest idea I ever had, nor was it the dumbest decision of my life.

When we become young adults, around our early 20’s, a lot of young men, and a few women, quickly move towards the belief that we will never live to be 30.

So when 30 creeps up on them, we are shocked to still be alive.

It is in our mid to late 30’s, in my experience, that we begin to realize that we may live to become a senior citizen one day, and actually start planning for it in, monetarily.

When our 40’s come around, we start hoping to live a long and healthy life with our loved ones, but still taking for granted every day we are on this planet.

It is somewhere in this time frame that we begin to plan out our “bucket list”, carefully taking note of all the things we plan on doing before we pass away.

Some of our plans are very adventurous. This require us to be in the same physical condition we were in a couple of decades earlier in life. We don’t consider that part, we just consider the money it will cost to take our adventure.

And even though we are making plans such as children, work, home repair, or other costs seem to take priority in our lives. We quickly forget about our “bucket list” for some time and continue to deal with life’s daily requirements.

Out of the blue, just one day something terrible grasps at your heart. Someone close to you is diagnosed with a terrible disease, or someone you know has had their life cut short because of some uncontrollable reason.

When things begin to somewhat settle back into the norm for you, you start to realize that time is fleeting and there are no guarantees of tomorrow. Now the “bucket list” comes back into play, but is it the right time? When should we do the things that we desire to do before we get our ticket punched and move on from this life?

Here is your answer. DO IT NOW!

No one, and I mean no one is guaranteed to be here tomorrow! Live life today! Live it by your terms and don’t change it for the social mob that tries to designate how you should live your life. Live by your rules, morals, and values. Don’t wait until it’s too late to start living your dream.

Go bungee jumping! Go climb that mountain! Go race the car! Take that vacation!

Live damn it!

Why put off today, when there is a chance you won’t be here tomorrow.


Stay Dangerous

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