Assets and Liabilities

More often than not we as humans relegate everyone within our circle to Assets and Liabilities.

Assets are those that bring an equal, if not higher, level of value to the relationship. Value can be in the form of emotional, mental and/or physical support. For instance, the person you call when you are having a shitty day – is an emotional support system which is where they bring the most value. Or the buddy you call when you need to move or possibly getting in a fight, their physical prowess is the asset.

Liabilities are those that leave you feeling drained, exhausted and unfulfilled every time you are near them. Perhaps they complain constantly, but never adjust or learn. Or maybe they only call you when they selfishly need something, but never seem to contribute anything else.

Try as we might, with the exception of children, our ability to discern the assets and liabilities in our close proximity is our standard operating procedure. We are intrinsically cognizant of how each person plays a role in our lives – even though we often ignore it on the pretense of grace, empathy or sentimentality.

In recent years, this construct has been overshadowed by a departure from personal responsibility replaced by selfish ‘only God can judge me’ bumper sticker mentalities.

Ironically, those that refuse to accept that all relationships are reciprocal, are all too often the same group that experience the most mental anguish, such as depression, loneliness, feeling lost or resentment.

We are hardwired to add value. More mystically spoken, we call this finding our ‘Purpose’. The one thing that we can do to provide value to the tribe, above and beyond anyone else.

Are you an asset or a liability?

This is one of the most profound and useful questions for self reflection. It gives the foundation to make real shifts in behavior.

I am a liability, can I become an asset?

Absolutely! It takes asking the right questions, identifying what you bring to the table, and the willingness to give to your people without expectation. If you have the mindset to accept criticism, it is highly effective to ask your people what they need from you.

It will not be immediate, and takes commitment; however, it is always worth the work to become an asset.

Hold your own.

Learn new skills.

Add value.

Be there for your tribe.

Seek your purpose.

Stay Dangerous!

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